Bonus episode: Operationalizing the Framework: Getting management to understand cybersecurity

This episode is presented by members of Trusted CI and the ResearchSOC, a partner project of Trusted CI.

Cybersecurity professionals supporting research and higher education understand the value of  having a common language with senior management. Published March 1st, the Trusted CI Framework Implementation Guide for Research Cyberinfrastructure Operators provides such a common language, which can lead to mutual understanding, shared goals, and mutually agreed-upon action plans and resource allocations. Join Craig Jackson, architect of the Trusted CI Framework and Susan Sons, Deputy Director of Research SOC, as they discuss how to use the Framework to enhance relationships with key stakeholders while driving forward action to improve the overall cybersecurity posture of an organization.

About the ResearchSOC:

The ResearchSOC’s mission is to serve as a collaborative security response center whose expertise and resources are leveraged by the entire research and education community to:

  1. Improve the cybersecurity posture of scientific cyberinfrastructure

  2. Raise awareness of security threats facing the scientific community.

Jeannette Dopheide